Youtube Sentiment Analysis with Amazon Comprehend

Matheus Schmitz
Github Portfolio

Installing and Loading Packages

Installing ffmpeg:

Configurating the AWS Client

Run on terminal: aws configure

Input the values for:

Extracting Audio and Text from Youtube Videos

Downloading and Preparing Data

Here are 5 famous speeches available on Youtube that will be used:

1- Martin Luther King Jr., "I Have a Dream"

2- John F. Kennedy, "The Decision to Go to the Moon"

3- Winston Churchill, "We Shall Fight on the Beaches"

4- Ronald Reagan, "Remarks at the Brandenburg Gate"

5- General Douglas MacArthur, "Duty, Honor, Country"

Storing Videos on Amazon S3

Transcribing the Text in the Audio Files with Amazon Transcribe

Comparing the Amazon Comprehend Transcription with the SpaCy Transcription

To verify the quality of the transcription generated with Amazon Transcribe, comparing it with the transcription obtained from SpaCy.

Topic Modeling and Named Entity Recognition

Sentiment Analysis with Amazon Comprehend

Visualize the Results from Sentiment Analysis


Matheus Schmitz
Github Portfolio