Matheus' Portfolio

Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Graph

Knowlege Graph about AI Research, built via web scraping, entity resolution, external KG linkage, ontology generation and RDF deployment. Includes PageRank, Topic Modeling, Recommender System and UI.

Voice Emotion Detection

Detecting emotion in speech using Neural Networks with trainable Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients (MFFC) layers.

Hack Detection with Autoencoders

Detecting network hacking through unsupervised learning with Autoencoders and Scaled Exponential Linear Units (SELUs).

2048 Playing AI

Coded the 2048 game and built a Monte-Carlo-Tree-Search AI to play, then simulated matches and used them to train a Neural Network that plays much faster.

Web Scraping Government Speeches on Covid-19

Employing web scraping techniques to filter and assess the speeches of NY Governor Andrew Cuomo and NY Mayor Bill de Blasio during the covid-19 pandemic.

Image Captioning

Employing transfer learning (Xception and GloVe) to automatically extract image and text features used to train a neural network capable of captioning images.

Image Colorization

Colorizing grayscale images with Convolutional Neural Networks.

A/B Test Analytics

Performing A/B testing to analyse the impact of displaying customer comments and evaluations on product sales.

Entity Resolution With Probabilistic Soft Logic

Cross-source entity resolution with Probabilistic Soft Logic (PSL), employing external attributes for collective entity resolution.

Text Mining Neural Network

Training a Neural Network to selectively apply extractors to text for automated information mining.